Call for Videos

STS is seeking targeted, high-quality video content (that hasn't been previously published) for inclusion consideration in the STS Cardiothoracic Surgery E-Book. Videos that feature exemplary surgical techniques or innovative educational approaches could become part of the E-Book video library. STS welcomes video submissions that demonstrate a variety of pediatric and congenital cardiac, adult cardiac, and general thoracic procedures. Submitters whose videos are accepted will receive peer-reviewed publication credit and complimentary access to the respective E-Book volume.

Surgical videos will be a valued contribution and help ensure that the STS E-Book remains the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource for cardiothoracic surgery professionals. 

View the list of desired video topics and video submission guidelines

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The STS Cardiothoracic Surgery E-Book is the most complete and authoritative online resource for cardiothoracic surgery information in the world, available online and on mobile platforms offering home, office, or point-of-care reference 24/7/365. Use it on your PC or download the mobile app. 

The e-book is the most current, continuously updated resource available in the specialty authored and edited by more than 600 leading surgeons from around the world. With more than 350 interactive chapters in all main cardiothoracic surgery domains, it provides a rich, multimedia educational experience with hand-drawn medical illustrations, photographs, and surgical videos.   

Two Comprehensive Volumes

The STS E-Book comprises two volumes, each regularly updated, which can be purchased separately or together.

Pearson’s General Thoracic Surgery – an updated expansion of the popular Pearson’s Thoracic textbook for general thoracic surgery  

  • Esophageal
  • Thoracic

Adult and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery – all new content written by the world's leading surgeons

  • Adult Cardiac
  • Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac  

Meet the Editors

  • Senior Editor, Adult Cardiac Surgery – William A. Baumgartner, MD
  • Senior Editor, General Thoracic Surgery – Shari L. Meyerson, MD
  • Senior Editor, Congenital Heart Surgery – Jeffrey P. Jacobs, MD

"The STS e-book will become the gold standard for education and training of current and future cardiothoracic surgeons at all levels, including medical students, interns, residents, fellows, and attending level faculty”
—Jeffrey P. Jacobs, MD, e-book senior editor for congenital heart surgery


Target Audiences

  • Individuals – Cardiothoracic surgeons, trainees, and physicians
  • Institutions – surgical team members in related disciplines (cardiology, pulmonology, anesthesiology, etc.) worldwide, academic medical centers, medical libraries, hospitals, industry libraries
  • Cardiothoracic surgery training programs

Individual Access

Access to the full e-book (both volumes) is available for purchase or individuals can subscribe to one of the volumes. STS members receive a discount! Subscribers will have unlimited access to the e-book for 1 year from the purchase date. At that time, subscription renewals can be made.

Category Single Volume (cardiac or thoracic) Full E-book (two volumes)
STS Member $150 $300
Non-member $250 $500

You’ll need your STS Member ID to receive the discounted member rate. Database participation is not the same as STS membership (e.g., Surgeon or Associate Membership). Your 6-digit STS Member ID is not your site or Database participant ID. For help with your STS Member ID, contact Member Services.

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Renew Individual Subscription


Institutional Access

  • Share trusted, consistent knowledge with all members of the surgical team
  • Save money for complete, institutional-wide coverage
  • Integrate the STS Cardiothoracic Surgery E-Book with other trusted resources related to anesthesia, critical care, and infectious disease

Purchase Institutional Access