STS recognizes the important role of congenital and pediatric specialists. Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are the most common types of birth defects, and babies born with these conditions are living longer and healthier lives. Children with this condition require specialized care that demands a dedicated team of skilled congenital and pediatric thoracic surgeons. To ensure these patients are receiving the best care possible, STS is persistent that policymakers support and invest in pediatric specialists. 


  • Streamline Access to Out-of-State Specialized Care: Promote expedited patient access to highly specialized care across state lines for Medicaid beneficiaries. 
  • Support Training and Growth of Pediatric Specialists: Increase opportunities for pediatric subspecialists in cardiothoracic surgery and secure funding for subspecialist training. 
  • Invest in research: Secure federal funding for research into issues impacting congenital and pediatric birth diseases treated by cardiothoracic surgeons. 


Endorsed Legislation