Minor data requests (MDRs) for research purposes are intended to assist investigators as they prepare for full scientific proposal submissions by testing the feasibility of their hypotheses. MDRs for quality improvement submitted through this page will not be considered.


  • The intended use of research minor data requests is for preparation of a full scientific proposal submission to an STS Research Program (e.g. Participant User File [PUF]). Research minor data request results cannot be used for external presentation or publication.
  • MDR results reports will not include multivariable modeling or complex statistical analysis and cannot be combined with or compared against externally sourced data.
  • Minor data requests generally cannot exceed four hours of analytics time. 
  • Minor data requests must include a shell table to visualize desired presentation of results (maximum 20 cells encouraged, e.g. 1 x 20, 2 x 10, 4 x 5). 
  • STS will accept up to two research minor data requests per principal investigator in a given calendar year. 

Minor Data Request Review Process

  • STS receives a research MDR webform submission and sends an email response to the requestor to confirm receipt.
  • The research MDR is reviewed for eligibility and completeness. STS subsequently sends the MDR via email to the appropriate Access & Publications (A&P) component chair to request review.
  • The Chair reviews the MDR and either grants or denies approval. If the MDR is not approved, STS notifies the requestor accordingly. If approved, the request continues through the review process.
  • An estimate of hours required to complete the requested analysis is generated. 
    • If 4 hours or fewer are required, STS notifies the requestor regarding the approval of his/her request.
    • Minor data requests exceeding 4 hours of analytic time are generally not approved for fulfillment; the requestor will be encouraged to pare down their MDR accordingly.
  • Progress updates are shared with the requestor, as available, until analyses are completed. STS will provide MDR data to the requestor in the appropriate electronic format. 

For more information, contact Jessica Rodriguez.


Submit Research Minor Data Request