June 16, 2023
2 min read

STS President Thomas MacGillivray, MD, recently hosted a Town Hall to get member input on how the Society can advance a more inclusive and welcoming community of cardiothoracic surgeons.

Facilitated by DEI Consultant James Pogue, PhD, the Town Hall focused on understanding member perceptions of where individuals, the specialty, and the Society are today with respect to DEI. “This work is about you, our members. We want your perspectives on the role that DEI should play in our specialty and our Society,” said Dr. MacGillivray. “This is your opportunity to speak up and have your voices heard.”

Key themes that emerged were the need for data to understand members’ general knowledge of DEI; a call to action for members to engage in real, meaningful conversations that result in tangible change; and a culture that elevates empathy, listening, kindness, and grace throughout this journey.

Dr. MacGillivray said he has listened to a wide range of opinions over the past five months, and he sees STS members at different levels of DEI understanding and engagement.

“The more we talk about things, the more we can learn. I hope all of us who are trained in science, data, and evidence take the knowledge gained from this journey and use it to help us build a better future for all,” added Dr. MacGillivray.

Leading up to the Town Hall, Dr. Pogue conducted one-on-one discussions with key stakeholders and a deep-dive DEI session with the STS Board of Directors. Next up is a member survey and focus groups. Dr. Pogue will use data and insights from this work to develop recommendations on the path forward for STS.