Although bioprosthetic surgical aortic valve replacement (bio-SAVR) is generally well-tolerated, patients are thought to be at increased risk of thromboembolism for up to 90 days following bio-SAVR, supporting the current guidelines recommending the use of an anticoagulation regimen for at least the first 3 months following bio-SAVR.  This video reviews the current guidelines, literature, and controversy regarding the topic of anticoagulation in bio-SAVR patients. 

8 min.

Drs. Hayanga and Sanchez explore some of the differences and evidence behind the choice of tracheostomy in ECMO patients.

J. W. Awori Hayanga, MD, MPH
West Virginia University, Dept of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery

Pablo G. Sanchez, MD, PhD
University of Maryland

9 min.

STS President Sean C. Grondin, MD, MPH, FRCSC, updates members on the STS 58th Annual Meeting and the decision to transition from an in-person meeting in Miami, Florida, to a fully virtual format. 

For more information on the program and registration, visit

"The Resilient Surgeon" is a podcast series designed to inspire cardiothoracic surgeons to be their best selves, in and out of the OR, using scientifically proven tools and recovery strategies of the world's top performers.

In each episode, host Michael Maddaus, MD, will talk to game changers in the high-performance and wellness space who can share real-world strategies for building and maintaining resiliency. They will describe evidence-based practices and approaches derived from personal experiences to help reduce burnout and achieve optimal performance.

Thromboelastogram (TEG) is a point of care test that helps tailor the resuscitation of cardiac patients. It is a valuable way to measure where a patient is on the hemostasis continuum from thrombosis to bleeding. TEG provides important information on the rate, strength, and stability of a blood clot. This video provides an overview of TEG, platelet mapping, a case study, and how to decide what products to transfuse.

Frank A. Baciewicz Jr., MD
Wayne State University Harper Hospital 

7 min.

Obtaining Medicare claims data to use with the STS National Database data is a top advocacy priority. With this data, clinician-led clinical data registries can facilitate outcomes-based research that improves health care quality and efficiency, as well as provide insight into appropriate Value-based reimbursement. This video examines the importance of registry access to Medicare claims data, current regulatory barriers, and how STS is advocating to improve access.

Alan M. Speir, MD
Chair, STS Council on Health Policy and Relationships

10 min.

The 2021 Thomas B. Ferguson Lecture during The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 57th Annual Meeting was presented by three surgeons from different COVID-19 hotspots around the world.

The lecture provided an international overview, with the surgeons sharing their experiences and thoughts about the pandemic and how it has affected them, their families, institutions, colleagues, and their patients.

The 2021 Vivien T. Thomas Lecture during The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 57th Annual Meeting was delivered by Quinn Capers IV, MD, associate dean for faculty diversity and vice chair for diversity and inclusion in the Department of Internal Medicine at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

The 2021 C. Walton Lillehei Lecture was presented during The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 57th Annual Meeting by Paul G. Yock, MD, MA, founder and director of the Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign in California.

During the lecture, Dr. Yock encourage participants to view innovation as a discipline—one that can be taught, practiced, and recreated. He acknowledged, though, that comprehensive innovation can be difficult in the health care setting because it involves multiple stakeholders. He likened the “user” in this scenario to an “eight-headed monster.”